VegFest Vendor Application
Thank you for your interest in serving as a vendor for the 2024 Plant The Power VegFest!
Our vendor village is required to include the following:
- Identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous People of Color) owned
- Serve/Promote/Sample ONLY vegan products at the festival. Your business does not need to be 100% vegan, however we ask that you only serve/promote/sample vegan products at this festival.
- For an item to be considered vegan, it may not include anything that is made from animals. This includes, but is not limited to being free of: leather, wool or silk; all meat and meat-based stocks or broths (mammal, fowl, organs, and all seafood, fish or oyster sauce, and worcestershire); dairy (cow or goat butter, ghee, milk** yogurt, sour cream, cheese etc.); eggs and egg whites;honey, gelatin and glycerin (unless specifically plant-derived).
- Hidden ingredient names for milk include: whey, casein, and sodium caseinate.
- If accepted, submit vendor fee by Friday June 28th at 11:59 pm.
- $75 investment for food/artisan/merchant vendors
- $25 investment for non-profit/community organizations.
Food vendors must provide a current or temporary food permit license from the Columbus Department of Health by Friday, June 28th. See this link for more information.

Our vendor village will receive the benefits of:
- 1 table and 2 chairs
- Group social media posts
- Linked logo on our website vendor page
- Listing in our 2024 printed + digital festival guide

Vendor Application
Vendor applications are closed for this year.